About random shuffle in cplusplus


Actually I just want to memorize the usage of STL function random_shuffle. It takes two or threes arguments, the begin iterator, end iterator and a generator. What makes it interesting is the optional third parameter. Random_shuffle will pass the index to generator and takes the output as index to place current element while shuffling. Here is an example:

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;
const int POKER_NUM = 52; //52 pocker cards
void print_poker(int PokerNum)
    cout << PokerNum << " ";

class MyRand
    int operator()(int index)
        return rand() % PockerNum;

int main()
    srand( (unsigned)time(NULL) ); //rand seed
    vector<int> poker;
    for (int num = 0; num < POKER_NUM; ++num)

    //with default random_shuffle
    random_shuffle(poker.begin(), poker.end());
    for_each(poker.begin(), poker.end(), print_poker);
    cout << endl;

    //use custom random_shuffle
    random_shuffle(poker.begin(), poker.end(), MyRand());
    copy(poker.begin(), poker.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
    cout << endl;

I copy it from here. While I found a mistake in it. The result isn’t really random. The pseudo-code of above is :

for i in 0..n exchange a[i] and a[random(0..n)]

We assume a method can generate a sequence(a[0]..[n]) randomly, which means each sequence appears with the probability 1/n!. Take certain sequence a[0’]…a[n’] as an example: a[0’] appears with the probability 1/n, so a[1’] should appear with the probability 1/(n-1), etc. The algorithm above find a[1’] in the whole candidates, makes the probability 1/n actually. The right algorithm is like this:

for i in 0..n exchange a[i] and a[random(i..n)]

With a little change in the code:

class MyRand
    int operator()(int index)
        return rand() % (PockerNum - index) + index;


[1] random_shuffle算法小例子, http://blog.csdn.net/aheroofeast/article/details/3907192

[2] “Algorithms, http://www.amazon.cn/%E7%AE%97%E6%B3%95%E5%AF%BC%E8%AE%BA-Thomas-H-Cormen/dp/B00AK7BYJY